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Gaslighting The Matrix

Writer's picture: mscott1065mscott1065

     One of the more common terms you hear these days out of the media, politicians and punditry is “gaslighting.”  While most of us are probably aware of what it means, I think it might be useful to see how the term came to be and what the official definition is.  It originated from the English play “Gas Light” in 1938, which morphed into a 1940 British movie of the same name.  It’s the 1944 American film “Gaslight” though that most people reference as its primary source.  According to the definition in Meriam-Webster, gaslighting is “the psychological manipulation of a person, usually over an extended period of time, that causes the victim to question their own thoughts and perception of reality…”  That last phrase, “perception of reality” describes exactly what is going on in today’s world, and it made me think about the similarities of our world to the world of “The Matrix” movies.  “The Matrix” envisioned a world controlled by thinking machines that derived their energy from tapping into the natural electricity of the human body.  Humanity was turned into living batteries for the machines, which then fed a false reality into the unconscious brains of the people trapped in cocoon like prisons.  The machines manipulated them into thinking that what their brains were experiencing was real, but in actuality was a computer generated perception of reality.  In today’s reality, instead of evil machines, people are being fooled by an evil mainstream media and progressive/globalists into believing a psychologically manipulated, false perception of reality.

    The Matrix movies were wildly successful, the special effects were groundbreaking, and they are some of my all time favorite flicks.  Not just because of the special effects or the theory of the movie, it’s because of the way love triumphs over the Matrix.  Despite the Armageddon caused by the conflict of man vs machine, the uniquely human form of love transcends and defeats the evil of the machines.  It is another, albeit fictional, example of what I’ve called “The Jurassic Park Effect.”  In “Jurassic Park” the Jeff Goldblum character states that in spite of the meticulous work of the geneticists to ensure all the dinosaurs they are producing are female, “Life finds a way.”  Sure enough, life finds a way and the dinosaurs do what dinosaurs do.  It’s like the old Yiddish proverb, “man plans, and God laughs.”

    I wonder if myself and all of the millions upon millions of freedom loving people throughout the world might be trapped in some sort of bizarre matrix.  Could it be that our perception of reality is a carefully constructed façade?  That I’m being fooled into believing in God, individual freedom and liberty.  But then if so, why?  If I’m being psychologically manipulated about all these things, then I’m the opposite of what a controlling, authoritarian puppet master would want.  The puppet master would want someone who is easily controlled, someone who conforms to the dictates of the controller, who thinks the controller has their best interests at heart.  

     I didn’t watch any live coverage of the recent Democrat National Convention (DNC), (not to be confused with the medical D & C procedure which sometimes is used either after an abortion, or as an abortion itself.  Judging by the fact that Planned Parenthood had a free mobile abortion clinic at the convention, there were probably people at the DNC who received a D & C.)  I wish the whole DNC “lieathon” or better yet “gaslight-apalooza” had been aborted.  For the party that constantly warns us about the threat to democracy from the “extreme MAGA Republicans,” democracy was noticeably absent at the DNC.  There was no real need for a convention, since Komrade Kamala had been anointed as the nominee without having a single vote for president cast in her name.  Like I did with the Republican convention, I watched various clips of the event, wow, what a waste of time.  The only moments worth watching were when Oprah mentioned “single cat lady” and the pool camera zoomed in on some poor woman who looked like a single cat lady, and the mysterious paper that fell out of Pelosi’s pants as she walked up to the podium.  However, a special mention should go out to the thoroughly despicable Randi Weingarten for her preposterous rant.  She (?) reminded me of the old Wendy’s commercial with the old lady barely able to see over her steering wheel. (“Where’s the beef?”)  The footage of Weingarten as she jumped up and down, her head bobbing, barely visible above the podium, was hysterical.

     I didn’t watch any live coverage of the Republican convention either.  As a general rule, I don’t listen to political speeches, because as my wife likes to say “talk is cheap.”  We’re all used to politicians promising everything and delivering nothing.  We used to take it in stride, like death and taxes, something that can always be counted on.  Nowadays, however, there are a lot of Democrats who seem to believe these obvious, intentional lies.  You might be able to excuse those who don’t pay attention to politics, who hide their collective heads in the sand, comfortable in their ignorance, but the people who attended the convention are supposed to be politically aware.  These DNC attendees seemed to earnestly believe all the crap being fed them by Biden and Harris, Barrack and Michael Obama, Oprah and Hil-liar-ly, along with all the other speakers as well.  Uncle Joe repeated the “very fine people” hoax and the Trump calling soldiers “losers and suckers” fabrication along with all of his usual litany of lies.  Yet it was all treated as gospel by the convention crowd.  It reminded me of Abe Lincoln’s “you can fool some of the people, all of the time, you can fool all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people, all the time.”.  Given the fact that there are still a lot of people who still believe this crap, it looks like you CAN fool Democrat voters (some of the people) ALL the time!  

     At this point, the main-stream media can’t tell the truth, they have no other choice but to double down on all the bogus stories they’ve been telling for years.  They have carefully constructed a fragile narrative that if destroyed, would in turn destroy them.  The amount of excrement they are peddling would overflow the largest sewer system in the world.  If you were coming from another planet and heard this garbage, you would think that Trump is somehow still in office.  They are trying to psychologically manipulate people into believing that even though a Demonrat administration has been in power 12 of the last 16 years, somehow Trump is still to blame for everything that’s wrong in America today.  For instance, even though he has been out of office for almost 4 years, Demonrats blame Trump for Biden’s 3 and a half year border crisis, because he somehow “torpedoed” the spurious “bipartisan border bill.”  That’s a solid 10 on my “WTF” meter.

    Back when Covid hit in 2020, I wrote that the world had somehow flipped into a “bizzarro-world” where right is wrong, up is down, the whole enchilada.  It still baffles me how this many people came to be so indoctrinated or ignorant.  I realize the main stream media propaganda machine is very effective, and our public education system is producing barely functioning illiterates, but ALL of these people can’t be this blind.  No, it’s not all of them, there are the true believers who rationalize that it’s perfectly fine to lie, if the ends justify the means.  That in order to save democracy who have to destroy democracy.  They truly believe that censorship is a good thing, that free speech is actually hate speech, that biology isn’t real, that up is down, left is right, and what’s right is wrong, (until election season that is, then they have a remarkable temporary transformation back to reality.)  These people need a medical intervention, but for the rest of them, maybe they are living in a matrix.  The average Democrat seems to have been brainwashed to the point where they can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy.  When asked a specific question as to why they believe what they believe, their answer is either the propagandist lie they’ve been told over and over and over, or they just simply don’t know.  They just know in their heart of hearts that they are right, and you are wrong, and if you don’t agree with them, then there’s something wrong with you.  You’re either a racist, a Nazi, a misogynist or just a dumbass.  Like a dog with a bone, they hold on tight to their psychologically manipulated version of the world, not believing their lying eyes. 

      It’s hard to admit and face the truth, especially when that truth might destroy your carefully constructed paradigm of beliefs and values.  Living a lie however, is far more difficult.  You have to constantly remember all the little details of your fairy tale, and then if you’re caught, the consequences are devastating, loss of family, of friends, of credibility.  While it’s understandable to believe a lie initially, it isn’t when you find out the truth, but hold onto the lie anyway.  Leftist elites know very well that the “very fine people” quote is a lie, that Trump did not call our soldiers losers and suckers, he is not a Nazi, is not going to be a dictator and he never said that if he is not elected there will be an actual “bloodbath.”  They also know all the tall tales that Biden has spun during his 50 years in office are ridiculous, (his uncle was eaten by cannibals?  Really?)  The reason they purposely promote all of these lies is that they basically hate anyone who is not a member of their cult, and even then, they don’t really like or trust one another.  When I say hate, I mean they hate the average American the same way Chris Christy hates diets.  They have a hatred for the average person that is beyond the pale.  They don’t even think of us as people.  To the progressive/globalist elites we’re just commodities, tools to be used when needed, then discarded, or even worse, killed in some useless war they propagate to line the pockets of the military/industrial complex.  I’m going to borrow a bit of scripture from the Apostle Paul.  He writes in Romans 3:10-18, about the collective depravity of humanity and I think it aptly describes these vermin.  Paul writes “There is none righteous, no not one, there is none who understands, there is none who seek after God.  They have all turned aside, together they have become unprofitable, there is none who does good, no not one.  Their throat is an open tomb, with their tongues they practice deceit, the poison of Asps is under their lips, whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.  Their feet are swift to shed blood, destruction and misery are in their ways, and the way of peace they have not known.  There is no fear of God before their eyes.”  While I realize that Paul is talking about humanity in general, I can’t think of a better description of these Lizard People.

    There is a way to break the bonds of this matrix, just like the movie, the answer is love, in this case it’s God’s love.  There aren’t a lot of people these days who’ll recognize that solution, because they are afraid of the truth of God’s word because it indicts them of their sins.  The Bible has a solution for that, it’s John 3:16.  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”  The saving grace of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, his redeeming sacrifice and his resurrection, erases all of our sins, and grants us fellowship with the Almighty.  All you have to do is accept God and Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, certainly better than living in this hellish version of the Matrix!

                                          Rock On!  Brothers and Sisters, Rock On!

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